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  • Student Development

    Mind. Character. Community


  • Loan Bursaries

    For Undergrad and Post-Grad


  • IDB Graduation Association

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The IDB Scholarship Programme is an initiative led by the Islamic Development Bank which started 1983 in various countries to foster technology and knowledge sharing among its communities. The idea is to attract talented students in order to build the right competencies required to empower communities. Our hope is to develop students as Good Citizens & Competent Professionals (GCCPs).

    Our Objectives

    The IDB Scholarship Programme is more than just a scholarship programme in the traditional sense of a straight financial assistance to outstanding and qualified students. It is also a tool for the improvement of socio-economic conditions. It is a scholarship and a development programme at the same time as the scholarship is given as an interest-free-loan (Qard Hasan) to the students, but also as a grant to their communities /countries to which they belong and will contribute to.

    Students are required to fulfil IDB obligations whilst studying and upon graduation as they are also requested to take part in the development of their communities and countries through their respective professions. The reason we offer loans only is so that repaid funds can be used to provide scholarships to other students in order to complement the Scholarship Programme and to ensure its continuity in the long run, while the services rendered by the students and graduates will contribute to the overall development of the community.

    Our Offer

    • We offer interest-free loan bursaries to students in their first year of study at Undergrad, Honours, Masters or Doctorate level.

    • Only South African students studying at recognised South African universities will be considered.

    • The loan facility is for tuition fees only.

    • Applicants must agree to attend all tarbiyyah programmes, events and courses hosted by the IDB Education Trust.

    • Preference will be given to students in their first year of study.

    • Preference will be given to students who are financially needy.

    About Us

    We're a South African, faith based NGO committed to providing interest-free loans to university students whilst contributing to the development of the community through leadership and outreach programmes.

    IDB Graduates

    Contact Us

    [T] +2782 904 0645

    [E] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    [A] Durban, South Africa